المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : محادثة بين tea و coffee

09-27-2011, 09:43 PM
محادثه tea و coffee http://www.english4arab.net/vb/images/smilies/44079.gif

coffee : how are you tea ?

tea : I am fine and hap py..
coffee : why are you hap py

tea: because I am sweet and people love me. You are bitter and hated by people.

coffee : No tea .you are wrong. I am loved by most people

tea: but I am the most popular drink in the world .

coffee : yes , but coffee is also popular and people from all parts of the world drink me when they eat candies and sweets .they drink tea when they eat pies.

tea : so people love us the same , is not that right ?

coffee : yes , that is right .

http://www.english4arab.net/vb/images/smilies/44079.gif http://www.english4arab.net/vb/images/smilies/44079.gif http://www.english4arab.net/vb/images/smilies/44079.gif


عيون المها
09-27-2011, 10:19 PM
thanks sister
keep on

عارف النهدي
10-18-2011, 03:15 PM
بارك الله فيكم