المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : معنى اسمك بالإنجليزية

اخر العنقود
04-08-2011, 12:50 AM
look out what does your names mean

جَـمّع حروف اسمك ,,
و شوف شو بيطلع معناه ,,

A * You love to make people laugh
B * You have trouble trusting people
C * You're crazy in a good way
D * You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people
E * You are popular with all types of people
F * People totally adore you
G * You are very friendly and undestanding
H * You have very good personality and looks
I * Love is something you deeply believe in
J * Everyone loves you
K * You like to try new things
L * You always make other people smile when you smile
M * Success comes easily to you
N * Your awesome
O * You love foreplay
Q * You are a hypocrite
R * You're loving and understanding
S * People think you are Attractive
T * You are one of the best in making mistakes
U * You are really chill
V * You are not judgemental
W * You are very broad minded
X *You never let people tell you what to do
Y * You always make every experience Great
Z * You're super cool


بنوتة كيوت lole
07-05-2011, 03:22 AM
مششكوررة آختي

يزآج آلله آلف خير

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