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03-13-2011 10:33 PM | |
الواثقة بالله |
شرح النفي ( neither- nor ) و ( either ) وأخرى !! شرح بسيط لبعض القواعد والوظائف أتمـــــــــــــــــــــــــى أنت تكون فيها الفائدة لكم ... [ 1 ] عند نفي ( Both - and ) نستعمل ( neither - nor ) مــثــال : Both Ali and Ahmed are late النفي : Neither Ali nor Ahmed is late [ 2 ] عند نفي ( either - or ) نستعمل ( neither - nor ) مثــال : Either he or his sister must go النفي : Neither he nor his sister must go [ 3 ] عند نفي : ( Also أو Too ) نستعمل ( not - either ) مثــأل : They will go to the house too النفي : They will not go to the house either [ 4 ] عند نفي : ( and so ) نستعمل : ( and - neither ) مثـــال : She went to school and so did her friend النفي : She did not go to school neither did her friend إنتهي النفي إلى الآن أتمنى يكون الشرح واضح,, إن شاء الله يفيدكم ... إضــافة بسيطة ( مهمة ) : Look for = يبحث عن Look after = يعـتـني بـ Look at = ينظر إلى Look like = يشبه Examples 1- Doctors usually look ...?.. sick people in hospitals ( look after ) 2- Look ....?.... this painting it's pretty. ( look at ) 3- The boy looks ....?.... his father ( look like ) 4- I have been looking ...?.... my lost pen since the morning.. ( look for ) |
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