YMD Pro 1.2.7

برنامج التحميل من اليوتيوب بسهوله باقصى سرعه واعلى جوده ممكنه
يمكنك من خلال البرنامج اختيار نوعية الملف الذى تريد تحميله
سواء كان فيديو او صوت MP3
برنامج مجانى سهل الاستخدام
YouTube Media Downloader is a lightweight YouTube videos transfer utility that allows users to save source items to MP4 and MP3 formats.
Can be used to create archives of subscribed videos
The program is potentially useful for anyone who regularly browses YouTube videos. Subscribers will especially appreciate it since it allows keeping archives of their favorite clips. It can also be employed in order to store copies of clips in various quality settings.
YouTube Media Downloader comes with a simple and efficiency-oriented GUI that anyone will understand. There are no menus, tabs or settings to tweak, which means users' experience is ultra streamlined! Two radio buttons control how the program operates and a list box allows users to specify the quality of the downloaded content.
Saves items as MP4 or MP3
الحجم : 16 ميجا
رابط التحميل
Download YMD Pro Youtube Media Downloader
ايضا يمكنك تحميل البرنامج الرائع Free YouTube Downloader